All in Marketing

Amazon Ads

One powerful tool during your book's release week (or at any point in a book's life cycle) is Amazon's AMS paid ads.

There are two types: Sponsored Products and Product Display Ads.

Can you buy bestseller status?

I've got my Mega Millions ticket in hand, fingers and toes crossed, and am firmly convinced my lucky six numbers will hit it big and deliver me a $375M payday. As soon as I deposit my lotto check, I’ll be vomiting cash at my novels in glorious fashion. 

Here's what I'd do if money was no object:

Tips on Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads. The two words that haunt our author marketing nightmares and can either increase sales or drain your bank account. Few authors have mastered the art of Facebook Ads, and I wanted to bring an expert in to share some tips on this elusive, but effective, marketing tool.

Tapping the mic...

Hello? Hello? Is anybody out there who leaves reviews anymore???

Finding reviewers for your book can feel a lot like combing the beach for your may get lucky, but just as likely won't. But don't despair. There's an awesome service, designed just for you--and it's a lot cheaper than you think. 

Your Author Brand

Author ... what? Yes. The elusive author brand, something that often gets forgotten in the confusion of releases, sales, promotions, and marketing. I wanted to be sure and share this important piece of the author puzzle and invited Rebel Farris to ATI, and asked her to breakdown branding for us.

The 1-star Review

It happens. You're celebrating your latest release. Or checking in on your book babies. And there, popping out at you, is the worst thing to happen to your day.

The one-star review.

I've never met one that didn't elicit some sort of emotional response in me.