Writing Tips from 10 Bestselling Authors

Writing Tips from 10 Bestselling Authors

Recently, I attended the Authors in the Bluegrass signing, where I stole a few seconds from 10 bestselling authors! Watch the below video and see what piece of writing advice they each shared... 

Video Transcript:

Hi, I'm Jasinda Wilder, and my writing tip would be a lot like the advice I give about working out, is that there's going to be days you wake up and you really don't want to write. The important thing is, for those days, even push yourself a little bit harder because often those are the days when you have the best writing.

Hey, this is Amy Harmon. My writing tip is to write what you're crazy about, what you're passionate about. Don't worry about if it sells or if it's going to sell, or if it's the next popular thing. Just write what you're passionate about.

My name's M Leighton, and my writing tip is to edit more than once.

Hi, my name's Jack Wilder, and my writing tip is to use "he said" and "she said" as little as possible. Instead, try to use stage direction, like, "He touched his face," or "She sighed." Makes your writing a lot stronger, it makes the dialogue snappier.

Hi, I'm Rebecca Yarros. My writing tip would be to find your routine. I sit down with a cup of coffee and a glass of ice water, and I can't seem to write without that, so find the routine that works for you. A quiet space, your favorite playlist, and write on.

Hi, I'm Shay Savage, and my writing tip for everyone today is to write what you know. If you have to spend a whole lot of time researching a particular topic, whether it's a type of character or an activity, you might want to consider going towards something that you are already familiar with, so you can spend all that time getting the feelings and the emotions of what goes on with that activity, instead of researching the basics.

Hi, my name is Mischa Elliott, and my writing tip is to write every day.

Hi, I'm Mia Sheridan, and my writing tip is to pay attention to what you really love to read. Don't worry so much about what people might want or what's popular, because what you're going to do best is what you really love to read. Do it in the way that only you can do it.

I'm Tiffany Reisz, and my writing tip is to revise. Revise a lot. This is the sixth draft that went into the final publication. I deleted about 70,000 words and rewrote it, and it ended up winning the Best Erotic Romance Award from RT Book Lovers magazine, on the sixth draft. Not the first draft, the sixth draft. Don't be afraid to delete and rewrite. That's my tip.

Hey, I'm Casey Bond. My writing tip is to fully develop your characters, they will lead you everywhere you need to go.

Note: If you are struggling with writing your first novel, or haven't begun yet, please check out my online course, How to Write Your First Book! 

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